Andy started his marketing career at age 14 working for the Philadelphia Wings pro lacrosse team. Two years later he was running a division of the NHL's Philadelphia Flyers. He's been at it ever since.
Growth & Exit Hacking & Market Maneuvers
Growing up in the world of pro sports marketing, Andy held a series of marketing and communications roles with the Philadelphia Wings, Philadelphia Flyers, and Denver Nuggets. Recruited by Foote, Cone and Belding/Impact in 1988, he managed the agency's sports marketing efforts surrounding the Celebrity All Star Hockey Team before joining The Upper Deck Company in 1992 guiding the companies public relations and sports marketing for The Upper Deck Company, before founding Comunicano in 1992.
In 1992, Andy set off on his own, founding Comunicano, Inc., a value-creation agency working with start-ups, companies in transition and established brands -- providing integrated brand building services in marketing, advertising, public relations, promotion, and event management. A full-service communications agency, Comunicano services start-ups, companies in transition and established brands with regard to marketing, advertising, public relations, promotion, events and reputation management. Comunicano operates globally as a virtual company, since 2000 the company has participated in the 45 company exits in the fintech, web, Internet, mobile, telecom or IT infrastructure sectors.
Often quoted in the consumer and technology press, since 2003 Andy has authored VoIPWatch (http://www.andyabramson.com), a leading industry blog focused on mobile, video, voice, collaboration and OTT technology. He also currently serves as a member of the board of advisors of multiple startups around the world.
#blockchain #data #mobility #cannatech #infotech
#storytelling #deeplistening #media #branding #traveltech
#ecosysteminfluence #ecommerce #positioning
#depositioning #enterprise #agtech #viticulture #foodie
#voip #mobility #cellulare #socialstrategies
#asymmetricalcommunications #publicrelations #marketing

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